Taking fitness to new levels

Melanie Sudar

Contrary to popular belief, fitness has not always been a part of senior Jessie Perry’s life. Although the business management and marketing major was active in high school, it wasn’t until her first Turbo Kick class at Ashland University that fitness overtook her world. 

“That was just so fun because it was just really good music and it was a group of people and it was free because it was included since I didn’t have to pay for a gym membership,” she said. “So that’s what I really started seeing how working out doesn’t have to be torture. And now I love it.” 

Perry is originally from Mentor, Ohio, and said she chose Ashland for quite a few reasons. She said the atmosphere, proximity, and the fact that it ran in her family all impacted her decision to become an Eagle. 

“I really like the small atmosphere of it,” she said. “I like that it’s quaint and cute. It’s only an hour and twenty minutes from my house, too, and I’m really close with my family, so that is really nice to be that close. And I honestly I fell in love with the business building.” 

Accompanying her double major is a double minor in entrepreneurship and nutrition. After graduation in May, Perry hopes to pursue a career in Corporate Wellness, combining both her love for fitness and business. 

“I love business; I love marketing; I love the business atmosphere,” she said. “But then I also love fitness and wellness and health and being able to share my passion for that in a business environment kind of combines it all.”

Perry became involved with Group X at AU the first chance she could. She signed up and became a certified instructor in the spring of her freshman year. She then became the Lead Fitness Instructor her junior year, and will still hold that position until the end of this year when she graduates. At AU, Perry is certified to teach five different classes, including Insanity, Turbo Kick, Hip-Hop Hustle, PiYo Strength, and, recently, Piloxing. Outside of Ashland, Perry is also a Beach Body coach, which is responsible for fitness videos such as P90X. 

Perry said she has loved being a part of Group X and that because there are many different varieties, there is something for everyone. 

“The program is awesome and it’s been fun to watch it grow over the years, too,” she said. “We offer right now 26 different classes per week so for such a small school like Ashland that’s really pretty impressive. Anything ranging from Pilates, Yoga, PiYo, athletic recovery, to cycling; our dance classes like Zumba Fit, Turbokick, Hip-Hop Hustle, to boot camp style: cardio boot camp, buddy boot camp. Water classes; we have water aerobics; the 50/50 class. So we try and get every aspect of fitness.”

One part of Group X that makes it so popular, according to Perry, is the social aspect. She said many people enjoy the classes because of the group setting, which has also increased their participation over the years. 

“People like to kind of make it a social thing,” she said. “That’s why I sort of fell in love with it, was just because people can come with their friends, they can meet new people there. It’s just fun to do it in a group setting. So I think it just makes working out more fun. I think that that group camaraderie is what really sets Group X apart.”

 Perry also said that Group X can be a great motivation factor. She said that Group X is meant to be a fun, welcoming environment for anyone at any level. 

“It’s a huge motivation factor to have somebody leading the class and to have a buddy or a whole group around you,” she said. “And you could be any fitness level to come. This could be the first day that you’re exercising. And our Group X classes really focus on just different levels, so whatever level you’re at we’re gonna modify for you or we’re gonna advance it up. And I think just having an instructor in the front, too, we try and motivate people not by yelling at them but by having fun with them.”

Although Perry is certified outside of AU, most of her time is dedicated to Group X. However, she has had many opportunities to be a part of special fitness events all over the country, including teaching classes to over 100 girls at The Ohio State University; traveling to Chicago or Las Vegas to present at fitness conventions; going on a cruise at the end of March with Beach Body; and, recently, having an all-expense paid trip to California to compete in the American Collegiate Intramural Sports (ACIS) National Fitness Championship.

In January, Perry was announced as the ACIS grand-prize winner for their 16 week CollegeFitTip social media campaign. Perry said she was instantly interested in the campaign and determined to win. With the help of a friend, she posted “college fit tips” on her Instagram and Twitter weekly, and won as a weekly winner within the first few weeks of the contest. 

“I was really excited about that,” she said. “I got featured on their page and stuff. And that entered me into the drawing for the grand prize trip. So I didn’t think that I won because I thought that they were supposed to announce something in December, and they ended up announcing it in January and I was completely blind-sided that I won.”

Perry and three other guests won an all-expense paid trip to San Diego, California. There, the four students from AU will represent Ashland University in the ACIS National Fitness Championship held at the U.S. Olympic Training Center. The few days of the competition will consist of BMX biking, sand volleyball, tug-of-war, obstacle courses, and other intense activities. Many other schools will be competing, and Perry said she is both nervous and excited. 

“We compete in what I’m basically assuming is like a college Olympics and apparently it’s on television, too, which should be hilarious because I love fitness but I am not an athlete; I’m an exerciser,” she said. “But it should be really fun. I’m determined to be there.” 

Perry said she absolutely loves every aspect of fitness, and enjoys sharing that love with others. She said that fitness is her world, something that she loves “more than anything,” and she hopes that through her classes and experiences, others will find that love, too. 

“Honestly, I think my ultimate favorite part of everything that I do is just seeing people enjoy what I enjoy,” she said. “Everyone looks at exercising as being a chore and I look at exercise as my ‘me time’ and my ‘fun time.’ That’s the highlight of my days because it just makes me feel so good. Just all around I think it really helps to solidify the best feelings that I’ve ever had and so to see other people have fun in my classes. I couldn’t imagine a better gift to give somebody than the gift of health.”