More Curious Critters from AU English professor/photographer

Melanie Sudar

Ashland University English professor David Fitzsimmons is breaking stereotypes with his newest published book, Curious Critters Volume Two. This book, a sequel to Curious Critters Volume One, was launched Feb. 7 and encompasses the ideas of animals and nature. 

“In Curious Critters, both Volume One and Volume Two, I try to get children interested in common, North American animals,” he said. 

“I hope to get them excited about wildlife in their own backyards. Children as young as two show signs of biophilia, the love of nature. The developmentally appropriate way to involve kids in nature is by fostering their love of the natural world.”

Fitzsimmons said the first book in the series sold about 100,000 copies, making him want to write a second book. 

“So far it’s taken off well, less than a month after its launch,” he said. 

Fitzsimmons said he is excited for the release of the book since it has taken so long to get to this point. 

The overall process took about two years. 

“It often takes about a year to create the set of animals, about six months to write to these animals, and another six months to edit, design, and manufacture the book.” 

Although the main audience for the book is ages two and up, Fitzsimmons said he encourages this book to anyone. 

He said he wrote it for all ages to enjoy. 

“I write so that young children can enjoy the pictures and animal sounds. Older kids can enjoy the narratives accompanying each animal. And I write little “Easter eggs” in the text for adults, a number of visual and verbal puns and allusions to catch the attention of adults.”

Fitzsimmons further said that he wrote the book series because of his love of nature, and because he wants others to love nature as well. He said he hopes that these books will help inspire children. 

“I am always trying to get people to grow closer to nature, and I think this book helps incline children and their families to be amazed by nature and then be moved to help protect it,” he said. 

The English professor already has plans for another book in the series, titled Curious Critters Marine. He is already working on the writing and has the photography finished. 

“I am releasing a children’s picture book titled Salamander Dance this summer,” he said. “Illustrated by nature artist Michael DiGiorgio, Salamander Dance follows the annual cycle of vernal pools, focusing on the life cycle of spotted salamanders.” 

Samples of both books can be found on Books and audiobook CDs are also available in the AU bookstore.