New dean of Schar College of Education

AU Press Release

Dr. Douglas Fiore has been hired as the new dean of the Dwight Schar College of Education at Ashland University and he will begin his tenure as dean on June 1. Fiore replaces Dr. James Van Keuren, who will be retiring in May.

In announcing the appointment, AU Provost Dr. Frank Pettigrew said, “We are extremely pleased to be able to get a dynamic person like Dr. Fiore to lead our Schar College of Education. He has a strong academic administration background and he truly impressed everyone who met with him here at AU.”

Fiore said he is excited to lead the University’s well-known education program.

“Ashland University has been at the forefront of teacher education and public education in the Midwest for many years and I look forward to being in a position to lead this College as we continue that tradition,” Fiore said.

Fiore comes to Ashland University from Virginia State University where he served as associate provost for extended education for the past year. He served as assistant provost for general and continuing education, professor of educational leadership and dean of the Doctor of Education Program since joining Virginia State University in 2006.

Fiore also served as director of the Office of Professional Practice at the Virginia Department of Education in 2005 and 2006, and was principal at South Anna Elementary School from 2003 to 2005.

In addition to his administrative positions, Fiore has served on the faculty at Virginia Commonwealth University and State University of West Georgia. He recently completed a yearlong fellowship through the American Council on Education (ACE), which provided him a great educational experience in the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education.

Fiore has a doctor of philosophy in educational administration from Indiana State University, a master of science in education from Purdue University and a bachelor of arts from Hofstra University.