On Monday, Nov. 18, The English Department hosted a “Poetry and Prose Open Mic Night” in Eagle’s Landing.
Along with the English Department, Sigma Tau Delta also helped in putting on the event.
Sigma Tau Delta is an international English honor society for students at four-year colleges. At AU, students do not have to be an English major or minor. However, they do have to acquire a sophomore standing or higher, along with a minimum 3.0 GPA and be in at least two English classes beyond English 102.
The open mic event included nearly two hours of student performances. The works ranged from short stories, poems, and even excerpts from novels.
Co-Presidents of Sigma Tau Delta, Josh Carpenter, and Elliote Blake shared passionately written pieces as well.
Drinks and snacks were provided to the participants and guests, as well as raffle tickets for a chance to win a gift basket.
In the spring, another open mic event will be held following a 24-hour workshop.