A club on campus that often does not get recognized is the Eagles for Pride club. It’s a club that is dedicated to bringing awareness and creates a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community.
Ally Llg, vice president of membership of the club, said, “The ultimate goal is we want to create a place where queer people can feel safe on this campus because we aren’t exactly in the most accepting of areas.”
The club provides activities such as playing board games, in the purpose to create a learning and educational environment
Llg said, “We usually have somebody come in and talk about their experiences being part of a certain sexuality and gender identity in the community.”
Going back to the goal for the club, the members strive to create a safe place.
Llg said that the university does not help market the club to students.
“They don’t help promote our club, a lot of people want to get rid of our charter, a lot of people don’t want our charter to be renewed.”
This club helps fight for the students who do not feel accepted by the people in society and welcome them with open arms. The club feels like its main theme doesn’t get portrayed across the campus, and instead, gets blocked.
“We love you and we accept you. We love to provide a safe place for everyone,” Llg said responding to the comments of people not wanting their club to be renewed.
This club is not just for the LBGTQ+ community, students who identify as heterosexual but want to show their support are more than welcome to. Eagles for Pride just ask that all AU students show respect to one another.
If you want to attend a meeting, Eagles for Pride meets every other Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the common grounds in the student center. If you want more information about the club as a whole go, follow their Instagram at @eaglesforpride.