Last month, the Ashland University’s Fellowship of Christian Athletes, took a Mission Trip down south to the East Coast. The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) stayed a week in Lancaster, South Carolina.
“The mission trip is a week-long trip when students from Ashland University participate in many different service projects with the ultimate goal of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ,” junior student Trent Maddox said.
To help spread the name, sophomore Josh Bachinksy highlighted that the group brought over 60 students on the trip.
“We worked at various locations in Lancaster, while also sharing the gospel with anyone we met,” Backinsky said. “Every day, we went to a different area to do some community service projects.
“These areas included helping at a donation center, working at a ministry called ‘Simple Faith Ranch’, doing construction at a local Christian school.”
Bachinsky also mentioned that the FCA group would split into pairs and go into the city of Lancaster and spread the word of the gospel.
Fundraising was a big help for the Ashland University students to go on this trip.
“A lot of fundraising is done by our chaplain, Joe Maggelet,” Maddox said. “A new way that students fundraised this past year was by working concession stands at various sporting events.”
One of the biggest parts of these trips are the bonds and relationships built by attendees.
“The friendships i made, not only among our students in FCA, but also among the people of Lancaster,” Bachinsky said. “They will be friendships I will never forget and will be with me until it’s my time to leave this earth.”
The FCA program is organizing another missions trip next summer and plans to return to Lancaster, South Carolina. For more information on the next mission trip, join the group of FCA on Tuesday night at 9 pm in the lower chapel at Ashland University during the 2024-25 Academic Year.