AU GIVS is hosting a Toy Drive in which anyone around the Ashland area can drop off toys. This event will take place from Nov. 27 to Dec. 5.
The donation boxes will be in Schar, The Rec Center, The Hawkins-Conard Student-Center, and Clark. All the donations will be donated to charities in Ashland County.
Lauren Bartlett, the leader for this event, spoke out on how the idea of this event came along.
“I thought this event would be a great way to help kids in the community have a more memorable and enjoyable Christmas season,” said Bartlett.
Bartlett is also a member of the Youth Executive Committee, as this adds another component to this event’s making. She also added, “we’re always looking for new ways to give back to, not only the university, but to families in the communities as well.”
Bartlett explained what exact toys they need; “We would love to collect toys for all ages. No toy is too big or small to donate. I would love to have a bunch donated so we can help as many kids as possible.”
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Lauren Bartlett at