Students “speak up” and voice concerns to administration
Student Senate hosts Eagle Talk for discussions with students, faculty and adminstration
Students and administrators gather together to play a game
Ashland University (AU) Student Senate hosted Eagle Talk on Thursday, Nov. 19 from 7 to 9 p.m. in the faculty room located in upper John C. Myers Convocation Center. Many questions and concerns were asked and discussed with students, faculty and administrators.
The talk started out with those in attendance gathering around three tables with a giant saran wrapped ball filled with prizes. The students, faculty and administrators passed the ball around the tables with prizes spilling out of the ball.
After the game was finished, a mix of administrators, faculty and students sat down to break the ice and get to know each other.
A question and answer session with the administration and faculty followed shortly after.
A variety of questions were raised ranging from the topic of the winter graduation speaker to the meal plans on campus.
One of the first questions to be raised was about the expected completion of the campus beautification project. Rick Ewing, vice president of facilities management and planning, explained that the construction “is almost all wrapped up” with Lot I, the previous location of KD’s Pizza, currently under construction.
Ewing mentioned that the campus beautification would continue with a few extra things including new signage around campus. He added the library cafe into the mix of projects and said that construction will begin next semester.
Another question that was asked was about the Eagle Experience Voucher program. AU President Dr. Carlos Campo stated that the administration is looking into a few different possibilities with the main one being donor support in hopes of helping increase the opportunities for study abroad travel.
One of the biggest questions raised during the evening was about the meal plans. Matt Poytner, head of auxiliary services, answered the question with that the university is planning on redoing the meal plans, but there are hurdles in figuring this out.
According to Poytner, some of the challenges in creating meal plans are “[creating] options valued by students.”
One of the challenges is getting away from the freshmen meal plan, and also creating more options in general.
Eagle Talk raised lots of questions and answers to problems that are being faced on campus. From this event, it will bring all together in order for problems to be solved and heard.