Ashland Eagles? No, Ashland University Ducks
The happy duck pair.
April 22, 2022
As the weather has settled and the temperature has risen a pair of mated ducks have decided to pay a visit to the Ashland University campus.
A male and female mallard have been spotted waddling around the areas of Archer library, Hawkins-Conard Student Center and Founder’s Hall with a suspected nest for the duck duo being near the library or even in the bushes that spell out AU in front of the student center.
Many have seen the pair of ducks walking around the campus in the early morning when the dew is fresh on the grass.
Few have gotten close enough to the ducks to initiate any form of contact, but a few lucky students have had the pleasure of feeding the ducks. Students outside of Clayton Hall are reported to have been throwing bread outside their windows to attract the water birds.
Residents outside of Myers hall have also reported seeing the ducks shuffling around in the grass outside the windows of the main lobby. While hesitant, the waterfowl do not seem to have a fear of people, as any who attempted contact with the birds has led the ducks to meander away from the person with a few honks in their direction.
“Having signs of biodiversity on campus is great,” said Maria Berube, an environmental science major. “The ducks are also cute. I like seeing them on campus.”
Berube is not the only one to share such sentiment. Eagles for Pride Vice President Rhiannon Reed has enjoyed the sight as well.
“I miss them, I hope they’re doing well and had a good time on campus getting their education,” Reed said.
Others were not as optimistic.
“I don’t believe the ducks were ever even here. I believe they were actually chickens,” said Freshman, Liz Wild.
Others expressed sentiments about the ducks being potentially violent, making the campus dirty or even bringing more of their flock to campus despite the evidence to the contrary.
When asked directly about what they thought of campus and if their visit was adequate the male mallard responded with “Quack,” a flutter of wings and waddling off in the direction of his partner. The female mallard refused to comment.
The mallards were last spotted on campus on March 25. Many speculate as to where they have gone with the predominant theory that they have gone back to the pond they flew in from which is most likely Freer Field just half a mile away from campus.