The 2021 Ashland County Fair comes to town
September 24, 2021
With summer winding down and the leaves beginning to fall, the last heat wave brings the local fair to Ashland County. The fair offers many family attractions including the demolition derby, tractor pull, rides and tasty, fried foods for the community to enjoy. For some, the fair might be a new experience or a long-lasting family tradition.
Karen Hetrick, an Ashland resident all her life, says the fair is tradition to her and her family.
“You take your children, and then you take your grandchildren, it’s just what you do,” Hetrick said.
The fair is a place where many residents from around the area come together to enjoy one another’s company.
Megan Walker from West Salem, OH says she has always felt a sense of community at the fairgrounds.
“I grew up going to the fair, I have friends that show, my family showed, it means a lot to us. I got my little cousin involved in 4H last year and it teaches her a different sense of responsibility and she has made a lot of long term friends,” said Walker.
The food trucks including the fan favorite fair treats have been in full swing this week, serving the many people coming out to get their fix on all of the fried goodies they can get.
Abe Martinez, a food vendor worker, says he loves working in a food truck much more than any of the jobs he has had before.
“It’s a great job. We just worked at the Bellville Street Fair and we have more events this year after the Ashland County Fair. I’m excited,” said Martinez.
Chelsea Arthur, resident of Ashland, says her favorite part about the fair has always been the food.
“I don’t have a favorite food, I love all of it,” Arthur said.
Located on 2042 Claremont Avenue in Ashland, the fair started on Saturday, Sept. 19th, and goes until Sunday, Sept. 25th with a variety of activities filling each day. Aside from all the fun games that can be played and food to be eaten, the fair also shows a variety of farm animals that include horses, pigs, cows and more.
For more information, you can visit the Ashland County Fair website at or give them a call at 419-289-0466.