Intramurals Return to Campus this Fall
August 27, 2021
Intramural sports will return this semester, although there will be a smaller variety than in previous years.
“We had to scale back intramurals this semester, primarily due to Covid concerns and a smaller staff than usual.” Izzy Hatfield, Recreational Sports Manager said. “We may begin to offer more as the semester progresses, but right now, we are only offering human battleship and cornhole.”
Human battleship will take place in the Messerly Natatorium on Oct. 22. In this special homecoming celebration tournament, a team of four people share one canoe, where one person has a paddle, one person has a shield, and two people have buckets. The goal is to sink the other team’s canoe before your canoe sinks.
“In the past, students really enjoyed human battleship, so we decided to bring it back.” Gabby Ewing, Rec Center Facility Manager said. “It’s also fun for us because we get to spray people from the pool deck with a giant water cannon.”
In addition, cornhole, an intramural staple at Ashland University, will once again be offered. This year’s tournament is slated to be co-ed, with both singles and doubles options. According to Hatfield however, these options “depend on the amount of people who chose to sign up.” The cornhole tournament will take place from Sept. 19 to Oct. 14.

Sign-ups for both human battleship and cornhole can be found by going online to and registering with a student email.