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The Student News Site of Ashland University

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The Student News Site of Ashland University

The Collegian

AU removes ‘interim’ from swimming and diving coach Hueston Holder’s title

AU has named Holder the official head coach for 2024-25 Academic Year
AU Swimming and Diving
Holder stands with members of his 2023-24 senior class in his season as interim head coach.

Ashland, Ohio- The saying “Hasta La Vista” isn’t going to last much time for Ashland University Swimming and Diving Interim Head Coach Hueston Holder.

When he departed the university at the end of the 2024 Spring Semester, it was uncertain whether or not he would be the head coach come the fall.

But, after careful consideration, AU’s Athletic Director Al King decided to remove the interim title from Holder’s nametag to make him the official head coach moving forward.

“Throughout this past year, Hueston has proven that he has a deep affection for Ashland University,” King said in a university-issued press release. “Hueston is unselfish and without ego. He’s said on numerous occasions that his only goal is to do right by Ashland University and the student-athletes in the swimming program.”

In the 2023-24 season, Holder led the Eagles to multiple successes during his time as the interim coach. A total of three divers ended up reaching the Division II national championship competition.

While none of them ultimately took home any hardware, two of them finished within the Top 30 of participants. Fortunately for Holder, his three that appeared at the highest stage all return this season at sophomore and junior status.

When he was announced to be the official head coach, he also confirmed that the team is expanding its number of athletes in the coming season as well.

“We only graduated three, we’re bringing in 12 new recruits, so we’re getting better,” Holder said.

He is expected to continue raising the standard of the program, while also continuing to showcase what Ashland University means to him.

“It’s the passion that I have, not only for the team and its members but for the university as a whole,” he said. “I’m committed. I love this place, and I’m ready to give everything for it.”

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